Private Childbirth Education Classes

for birthing people and couples 

who want a thorough, tailored, embodied, and soulful 

childbirth preparation experience


Hello! I am so excited to work with you!

I am dedicated to serving those who see their entire birthing journey, from conception through postpartum, as sacred and deserving great care, support, empowerment, and attunement. I am honored to support you on your journey of life, and giving birth to life. I deeply believe you already have everything you need, and I am here to help you prepare so that your own deepest intuition and guidance can rise, ready to meet you along the way.

In these classes we go over basic education about birth and postpartum, but more importantly, we explore your mental, physical, and emotional preparation around childbirth and this enormous transition. My intention is for you to feel equipped with knowledge, confident in the choices you make, and ready to move through your birthing journey feeling confident, curious, connected with yourself, and open to your unique experience of birth. This asks for big courage and big Love. I am in your corner. You are not meant to do this alone.

Topics we will likely explore:

  • Basic education about the physiology of childbirth, the stages of labor, and what to expect

  • Birth as a journey of Soul and Spirit

  • How to prepare prenatally for the birthing experience you most desire and the postpartum time that lies ahead.

  • Meaning making and Birth as a rite of passage

  • Working with fears, stories, and common birth misconceptions (and rewriting new stories to make way for the birth journey that is YOURS!

  • Laboring positions, movement, exercises, and hands on support

  • Breathing and more breathing…(through contractions and pushing)

  • Softening through Pain - the connection between mind and body

  • Getting your partner involved - the essential birth supporter!

  • Eros and Pleasure in Birth

  • Birth as a path of Liberation

Private Class options:

TWO 2-hour private, customized classes in your home (4 hours total): $425

THREE 2-hour private, customized classes in your home (6 hours total): $550

PRIVATE DAYLONG (6 hours) private, customized class in your home: $500

*Payment plans available

I recognize that access to this kind of support is a privilege and that my prices are higher than what some families can afford. Please reach out if cost is an issue. I want to work with you.